A Strange Freedom by Kiki Howell

"Can a witch gain her freedom to live as she chooses between Memorial Day and the Fourth of July?

A man was not exactly what Meranda was looking for when she went to her grandfather’s grave for a ritual of remembrance on Memorial Day.  However, what she thinks is a ghost in the heavy shadows of the night ends up a vampire.

When Meranda’s grandfather lay dying on a bloody battlefield in WWII, Alexander promised the man he would take care of his family if he got out of the war alive.  Even though he returned to the states a night walker, he has done his best to honor that promise from a distance.

When Meranda is hurt due to his negligence, Alexander valiantly fights his own desires for her blood to save her. Only, once she is better, their lives clash. But, using a little magic, she plans to win their war by the time the fireworks light up the sky on Independence Day."
(Description by Author on Amazon.com)

1000 + Books to Read Rating:

My Blurb:

Merenda's ritual at a cemetery brings her something unexpected. A Vampire.

Alexander has watched Merenda grow up as he made a promise to her Grandfather long ago to protect his family any way he could.

Now Alexander must decide between loving Merenda or protecting her as he promised. Or will he have any choice?

Lets Talk About It:

A love story through and through.

Kiki Howell's short story surrounds Merenda, a lonely witch with no family left and Alexander a vampire whos fallen in love with her as he's watched her grow up. She wants to be with him forever and he wants to protect her from being like him.

Mixed with a bit of humor, you've got a good read on your hands.

Where to Buy:

~ 1000 + Books to Read 
Disclosure: I received the above book from the Author to facilitate my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review, only an honest one. The opinions I have expressed in the above post are strictly my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC's regulation 16 CFR, Part 255; "Guides concerning the use of endorsements and testimonials in advertising."

1 comment:

Kiki Howell - Author said...

I'm so glad you liked it :) For the release of this story I'm donating all of my royalties from its sales to the DAV through July 4th and having a huge contest. Stop by & enter if you have time http://authorsbyauthors.blogspot.com/2011/05/memorial-day-contest-may-30th-june-4th.html

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