This is how I do it..

So I thought in between reviews it would be kind of cool to share how I have made things work for me. That being my process and how I do things. I'd LOVE to see every ones work space and process! So please share if you can!

Since the beginning of this Blog I've kind of just read and reviewed and never put any order to things. That, of course, can lead to chaos, feeling overwhelmed and even stressed.

Over the past couple of months I've slowly made changes that have helped make this process a lot smoother on my end and has also freed up more time for me to read thus more reviews, yay!

Step 1 was ORGANIZE:

I bought this small, light weight calendar for 2011/2012 for me to schedule away my life and my reviews. Writing everything down makes it so much easier for me to visually see what needs to be done and when it needs to be done by. It also helps to avoid any scheduling conflicts.

Shortly after that was purchased me and Google Docs became good friends.

Here I put everything. When I received the request, title, author, type of file, if its been uploaded, etc. Step by step through getting the book to completing the reviews. Took a bit of time to compile but well worth it. I now know that any given review or book I will not forget to do anything!

Then came a great gift for Mothers day. A Nook Color!

This baby goes with me everywhere so every chance I get I am reading. It's also a lot faster than the previous E-Reader I had. I've also uploaded every E-Book I've received for review since this thing has such great storage space. So I don't have to worry about not having the right book on hand or stopping to upload when I've finished a book. I can just move right on.

The last thing I've changed, just finished up today actually, was a work space. I haven't had one! Of course you really don't need one for reading but the reviewing portion.. It'd be nice to not use your lap.

This is my brand new workspace. Has all of my paperback books, my Nook Color, my scheduler and of course my Computer. The only thing missing is a chair!

I finally feel as if I've put all of the pieces together for this review thing and have a working process.

What do you all do? Like I said I'd LOVE to see how you make things work on your end. Do you have a special reading chair? Endless bookcases?

Do share!

~ Melissa
1000 + Books to Read 

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