A Quick Bite by Lynsay Sands

A Quick Bite (Book 1 of Argeneau Series) by Lynsay Sands

"That hot guy tied to Lissianna Argeneau’s bed? He’s not dessert—he’s the main course!
Lissianna has been spending her centuries pining for Mr. Right, not just a quick snack, and this sexy guy she finds in her bed looks like he might be a candidate. But there’s another, more pressing issue: her tendency to faint at the sign of blood… an especially annoying quirk for a vampire. Her mother thinks she has the perfect solution, and serves up the therapist on a silver platter (or at least a wrought iron bed). Of course it doesn’t hurt that this psychologist has a delicious looking neck.

What kind of cold-blooded vampire woman could resist a bite of that? Dr. Gregory Hewitt recovers from the shock of waking up in a stranger’s bedroom pretty quickly—once he sees a gorgeous woman about to treat him to a wild night of passion. But is it possible for the good doctor find true love with a hemophobic vampire vixen, or will he be just a good meal?

That’s a question Dr. Greg might be willing to sink his teeth into… if he can just get Lissianna to bite."

(Description provided by: http://www.lynsaysands.net/books/argeneau/quickbite.html)

Great first book. We are introduced to the Argeneau family who lives primarily in Canada in this book. We meet Lissianna (books main character), her mother Marguerite, brothers Bastien, Lucern, Eitenne, Uncle Lucian and many cousins of whom my favorite is Thomas. 

Lissianna struggles to overcome her fear of blood (she faints on sight) and her meddling mother kidnapps a psychologist for her birthday present. Lissianna belives Greg, the psychologist, is meant for her to bite on while her Mother planned for Greg to fix her daughters phobia. 

The characters are outstanding. My favorites being Lissianna, Greg who kind of just goes with flow even though he is surrounded by Vampires and Thomas/ the cousins who provided a lot of comic relief. 

This book was the perfect mix of comedy, romance and mystery and sets the stage wonderfully for the next book in the series.

Read an excerpt from Chapter one of this book here: Chapter One Excerpt: A Quick Bite 

A Quick Bite (Argeneau Vampires, Book 1)

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