Whispers in the Dark by Heather Beck excerpt and Giveaway!

Excerpt “Where Feelings Go To Die” from Whispers In The Shadows

During the daylight hours, when the sun glistens upon the water and the leaves on the trees
sway gently in the wind, one wonders why this serene setting bears the misleading name of Black Heart Lake.

Ashleigh hesitated before placing a period at the end of her sentence. She was uncertain
whether the words she’d written would meet the expectations of her finicky boss. The battle of
her mind, pen and properly structured sentences continued.

So, what is the origin of Black Heart Lake’s name? It began over two hundred years ago
when a jilted woman murdered another woman who was having an affair with her lover.

Ashleigh suddenly stopped writing and stared at what she’d written.

Where the hell did that come from?

Looking up at the bright sun, its blazing heat radiated upon her face. She squinted, wishing
she had her sunglasses. Unfortunately, they had been left in the cabin after unpacking this

Now concentrating on her notepad, Ashleigh erased the sporadic burst of imaginative fiction.
She wrote what she’d meant to write.

The origin of Black Heart Lake’s name lies within the fact that the moon, when rising or
setting behind the two large elm trees, casts a heart-like shape upon the dark lake.

Ashleigh suppressed the urge to add something like, when two star-crossed lovers look upon
the moon’s reflection, they decide to take their lives in the lake to forever be together.

Ring. Ring.

Ashleigh jumped at the unexpected noise, causing her notebook to fall towards the water. She caught her ensemble of some hundred words just before it could topple off the dock. Notebook safely in hand, she frantically searched for her ringing cell phone.

When the cell phone ceased to ring, a cold realization swept through Ashleigh’s body. She’d
left her cell phone in the cabin.

Ashleigh swallowed hard as she rose to her feet. No one was anywhere near her vicinity, or
so she had thought.

Her body remained still, but her head turned ever so slightly. From the corner of her eye, she
scanned her surroundings. The extended dock led to nothing but her cabin and trees so dense they created an eerie darkness.

A single breath caught in Ashleigh’s throat. Amongst the nearby trees she saw something, or
someone, move.

Spinning around to get a better look at the unidentified moving object, she thought she saw a

Weirdo! Ashleigh thought as she prepared to defend herself.

The trees were still and no sound could be heard. The only motion came from inside
Ashleigh’s chest as her heart pumped furiously.

The man had disappeared between the trees, but the mere thought of his presence sent chills down her spine.

Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Ashleigh mentally beat herself up as she checked the locks on the
cabin’s windows and door. Why the hell would I agree to this?

It had seemed like such a good idea at the time. Being alone in a cabin; a twenty minute drive
away from any human contact; working on a somewhat fantastical yet informative journalistic
piece – it was meant to be sublime. Instead of experiencing a heightened sense of self and
purpose, Ashleigh was terrified.

Ring. Ring.

He’s inside! Ashleigh thought with a shiver.

Ring. Ring.

The ringing was so close.

It’s my own phone. Ashleigh sighed with relief. Get a grip.

“Hello?” she finally answered.

“My beautiful darling, how are you?” a male voice cooed on the other end.

“Upon hearing your voice, darling, I’m sick to my stomach.” Ashleigh disconnected and then
dropped the cell phone onto the bed. Hurt and disgusted, she stared at the phone.

How she hadn’t seen Drake for what he really was – a cheating, manipulative, self-centered
jerk – Ashleigh would never understand. She had been taken in by Drake’s savvy business-
man mannerisms. He wined and dined her, yet cheated on her in an attempt to improve
his “networking circle.” She had to give it to him, at least his excuse was original. Four months
into their so-called relationship, the unpleasant truth was revealed. The fact that she still felt hurt was as much as, if not more of, a blow to Ashleigh’s self-esteem than actually losing Drake. Although, in a strange way, she hadn’t lost him. He still called once a week in an attempt to win her back. As to what Drake wanted, Ashleigh was oblivious. As a novice journalist for a small regional magazine, she didn’t possess the money Drake so seemingly valued.

Ashleigh began to undress in preparation for what she guessed would be a long, tense night.

Her body ran cold and then hot. She felt exposed, as if someone was watching her.

I hope I’m not getting a fever. Ashleigh touched her 98.6 degree forehead.

In her sleepwear, she crept to the window and pushed the blinds aside. No one was there.

The moon was high in the sky, so the opportunity to see the heart in the lake was missed.

The isolation is already getting to me, Ashleigh thought, allowing the blinds to fall back into

She crawled into the unfamiliar bed and lay awake for hours. Her senses were at an all-time
high; even the slightest sound seemed amplified.

At the break of dawn, when Ashleigh had just fallen into a deep sleep, she awoke to the
sound of a painful cry. Her eyes shot open, wide and alert, but her body refused to move. The cry drew closer and louder. The cries sounded as if they came from a woman.

Though slow and heavy-footed, compassion and concern drove Ashleigh. Putting on her
slippers, she proceeded out the door and through the woods.

Dark clouds hid the rising sun, leaving everything dark and dreary. The chilly air paired with
the unfamiliar woods sent unease throughout her body. Twigs cracked under Ashleigh’s white
fuzzy slippers, and crickets sang amongst the fighting.

“You’re a disgrace – nothing but a common whore!” a woman yelled.

Ashleigh ran forward. The furious voice echoed in her mind. She broke through the trees and
onto the dock but saw no one.

“I didn’t know!” a desperate voice cried. “It’s not my fault!”


The two feuding female voices continued to echo around the fog-covered lake. Ashleigh
walked along the dock, keeping her gaze on her feet. The fog became so dense she could no longer see the wooden boards.

Loud groans of women engaged in a physical fight sounded.

Thinking a few yards of planks lay before her, Ashleigh took a step forward and fell into
the water. The freezing water, much colder than it should be this time of year, drenched her
nightclothes. Her body sank deeper into the watery abyss. Paralyzed by fear, there seemed to be no sandy floor and she couldn’t propel herself upwards.

I’m going to drown, Ashleigh thought in terror as she closed her eyes and waited to die.

When Ashleigh hit into something hard, she opened her eyes. At first, everything was dark
and blurry. Ashleigh blinked, causing her eyelids to feel as heavy as bricks. Something slowly
appeared beneath her – a white vision, an angel, perhaps. It stopped her from falling deeper and most likely drowning.

The object came into full view. She opened her mouth to scream, but instead of a voice
coming out, water rushed in.

The dead body that lay under Ashleigh had the most awful blue skin and sunken eyes. A
tattered dress from the nineteenth century clung to the lifeless body.

Suddenly, strong arms pulled Ashleigh towards the surface. Her heart pounded as she felt
herself thrashing back and forth between the water and the body of her rescuer. When Ashleigh broke through the surface, she gasped for the most delicious breath of air she had ever taken and then pulled herself onto the dock with a push from her rescuer.

Breathing hard and dripping wet, Ashleigh watched the man who had saved her life pull
himself onto the dock. The first thing she noticed was how weird he was dressed. The man wore no shirt. Instead, a pair of worn-out overalls covered his body. His leather boots thudded loudly as he stood up.

“My love,” the man moaned in a painful tone as he extended his arms towards Ashleigh.

Too scared to move, Ashleigh allowed the stranger to hug her. She hadn’t noticed it in the
water but the man’s touch was ice cold. Ashleigh jerked away.

Looking into the man’s eyes, she saw nothing but darkness. She screamed and ran towards
the cabin, stumbling several times along the way. One of her slippers fell off, but the cold grass against her foot didn’t stop her.

A few heart-thudding minutes of running later, Ashleigh made it to the cabin. Unsure
whether the man had followed her or not, she shut the door and leaned heavily against it.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

Ashleigh thought her heart would explode as the pounding on the cabin door vibrated
through her body.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

Ashleigh grabbed her cell phone and called 9-1-1.

“You have dialed 9-1-1. What is your emergency?”

“There is a dead woman in the lake and a man is chasing me! Please, you have to help me.
I’m in cabin one at Black Heart Lake. It’s at the end of Rural Road 231.”

“The police are being dispatched now. Are you injured or still in harm’s way?”

“I’m unharmed for now, but he’s right outside my door,” Ashleigh choked out.

“Is there somewhere to hide until help arrives? Do you have anything you can use as a

“I...I don’t know.”

“Secure yourself in the cabin and wait for help.”

Ashleigh followed the dispatcher’s instructions. As she tensely waited for help, the thumping
continued non-stop and almost became white noise.

Suddenly, the thumping stopped and gave way to the sound of sirens. Then harsher thumping upon the door began.

“Police!” the man behind the door called.

I hope it really is the police, Ashleigh prayed.

Shakily, Ashleigh peered out the window and sighed with relief. She opened the door to a
uniformed police officer.

“Did you call 9-1-1?”

She nodded.

“I have officers checking the premises for a male intruder. Can you provide me with a
detailed description?”

Ashleigh nodded again, but no words came from her mouth.

“Are you alright, Miss?”

Before she could reply, the police officer’s walkie-talkie buzzed.

“There are no signs of a trespasser,” said a voice through the walkie-talkie. “The only
evidence of presence we found belongs to one female.”

“No! Check outside the door. He was here!” Ashleigh pushed the police officer aside to show
him where the footprints should be.

“But…but…” Ashleigh stuttered in vain.

“Can you tell us where you saw the female body?” The police officer’s tone of voice lacked
belief. If anything, he sounded very irritated.

“Yes.” Determination to prove her words as true overpowered the terror.


Excerpt “Hot Egyptian Nights” from Whispers In The Shadows

Hailey gasped for air. All she could think about was relieving her hot aching lungs.

“Miss, are you alright?” an Egyptian male voice echoed in her ears.

Hailey’s eyes became blurry. Weak, she fell to the ground. The sand felt like needles piercing
her sensitive skin.

“Miss, say something.”

Hailey felt some comfort as a strong arm wrapped around her neck and lifted her head ever
so gently. A cold compress was applied to her forehead. Hailey opened her eyes. Slowly, her
vision returned to normal. The loud ringing in her ears was now replaced with a low buzzing

“You’ll be alright.” The man supported Hailey for several minutes as she closed her
eyes. “Try to sit up,” he finally advised.

Hailey did as the man said. Her lips were met with the sensation of cool water. She
swallowed, relieving the scorching heat which was in her throat.

“Thank you.” Now that the intensity of the illness had faded, Hailey felt rather embarrassed.

“I should take you outside.” The Egyptian man didn’t bother to ask if Hailey could walk.

Instead, he placed one arm under her shoulders and another under her knees. He lifted her gently but also made sure that she was firmly supported.

The feeling of embarrassment began to dwindle. Hailey gave no heed to the gawking group
of tourists. She was far too busy memorizing the feel of the man’s strong and sweaty body.
Unable to resist, Hailey looked at the Egyptian’s dark eyes and manly features. He caught her
looking at him and smiled. Hailey felt weak all over again, but this time it had nothing to do with the stale air and hot temperature.

The trek out of the pyramid was difficult, especially when one was carrying another person.

The Egyptian man failed to complain. Instead, he kept a tight and protective grip on Hailey.

The mid-afternoon sun was burning Hailey. She closed her eyes as a harsh gust of wind blew
sand in her face. When Hailey opened her eyes, she was inside a white tent.

An Egyptian man dressed in traditional clothing hurried to her side. “What’s wrong with

“She collapsed in the pyramid.”

“Heat exhaustion.” The doctor administrated a salty liquid to Hailey and then took her
temperature. “You’ll be fine,” he reassured her a moment later. “But you must stay hydrated and keep out of the sun. Tourists like you aren’t built like us natives.”

“I’m sorry for ruining your tour,” Hailey apologized, when the doctor had left.

“I’m the one who is sorry. I hate it when visitors fall ill.”

“This happens a lot?”

“Yes. The doctor was right, you’re not like us.”

The man’s words, although innocent, stung Hailey. She studied his face and body, realizing
that he couldn’t be much older than her.

“What?” he asked, sensing her prying gaze.

“I’m Hailey.”

“My name is Zade.”

“What does it mean?”

“What?” Zade asked for the second time that day.

“Your name.”

“Must it mean something?” Zade didn’t give Hailey a chance to respond. “What does Hailey

“I don’t know.”

“You tourists are all alike, expecting us Egyptians to be exotic and mysterious just for your

Ouch. Now Hailey really was hurt.

The silence was tension-filled and awkward.

“Let me escort you back to your hotel,” Zade finally offered.

“You Egyptians are all alike, expecting us tourists to stay in hotels. What makes you think
I’m not residing in a pyramid?”

The expression of hurt on Zade’s face softened. He suppressed a laugh. “I’ll take you
wherever you need to go.”

Hailey raised an eyebrow at Zade. “The Great Hotel,” she finally admitted.

Hailey and Zade laughed simultaneously.


Hydrated and refreshed, Hailey combed her newly-washed hair. She looked in the mirror,
admiring her blonde hair and crystal blue eyes. Modesty wasn’t Hailey’s finest trait.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Startled and not expecting any guests, Hailey cautiously opened the door.

A hotel worker stood there with a small box in one hand and an envelope in the other. “Miss

Hailey nodded and then took the items offered to her. She was getting more than a little
annoyed at being called Miss.

“Have a nice day, Miss.”

“Thanks,” Hailey said, her manners temporarily escaping her due to the surprise gift.

Who could it be from? Hailey wondered, while settling onto her bed.

Hailey opened the small brown box first. Nestled amongst a thin cotton cloth was a pendant.
Lifting it up by the chain, Hailey examined it closely. Inside the amber oval was something that
looked like a snake’s eye. More curious than ever, Hailey tore into the envelope. A card, which was decorated in hieroglyphics, was inside.

“Hailey,” she read out loud. “My attitude isn’t usually so harsh. Please let me explain and
make it up to you. Meet me outside Sunrise Pyramid at seven o’clock tonight. I’ll be waiting.

It had seemed like an eternity but seven o’clock finally came. Looking casual yet sexy,
Hailey left for her date with Zade.

A hot breeze hit Hailey’s face as she walked towards Sunrise Pyramid. Her heart skipped a
beat as she saw Zade waiting for her.

“I’m so glad you came,” Zade greeted.

“Of course I came,” Hailey replied, smiling as Zade placed his arm around her waist. “I had
to thank you for the beautiful gift, after all.” She cast Zade a playful smile, hoping he knew that the gift wasn’t the only reason for her presence.

Zade stared intensely at the pendant which hung around Hailey’s neck. “It looks beautiful on

“Does it have any significance?”

“Huh?” Zade suddenly looked highly disturbed.

“The necklace – is that a snake’s eye inside? What does it symbolize?”

“Oh, we’ll have plenty of time to talk about that. First, let me buy you a drink.”

Ten minutes later, Hailey and Zade were sitting in the air-conditioned café, sipping on a
traditional Egyptian beverage.

“It’s good,” Hailey commented, after swallowing the last of it.

“Egypt has a lot to offer.”

“I can see that.” Hailey had to use all her willpower to draw her eyes away from his muscular
arms and back to his face.

“How did you end up here?” Zade inquired.

“A crazy life led me to this vacation.” Hailey sighed.

“Sounds intriguing.”

“It’s more exhausting than intriguing. I just want to relax now.”

“You’re not looking for an adventure?” Zade teased mysteriously. “This part of Egypt isn’t
exactly a day at the beach.”

Hailey realized that she was playing with her hair. She always did that when she was trying
to distract herself. However, upon looking into Zade’s sincere and caring eyes, she couldn’t hold back any longer. “I just finished a degree in new media design. I was supposed to find a high-paying job while living the good life.”

“Define the good life,” Zade challenged.

“Big house, fancy car, a loyal husband.”

“I believe that some Westerners may desire that, but what about you? What’s your

“I’m not sure yet. I want to find the sacred. You know, something which transcends the
ordinary and definitely redefines what society considers important.”

Zade’s eyes sparkled with intense interest. “Why Egypt?”

“The pyramids. I’ve been in love with them ever since childhood, but I hardly know anything
about them. My parents said it was a waste to study Egyptology – what job would it ever lead

“I guess the new media job didn’t work out?”

“Not even for a day. Although I stayed at the job for a few months, it killed me inside. I had
to get away and follow my dreams.”

Zade leaned forward until his lips were only inches away from Hailey’s. “A life without
passion is a life not worth living.”

Desire surged through Hailey’s body. She yearned for the feeling of Zade’s soft lips against
hers. “I couldn’t agree more.”

“Hurry, Hailey! Come on!” Zade called.

Hailey laughed out loud as Zade guided her over a sand dune and towards a mirage-like
shack. Until this point, their date had been enlightening and exciting. But now, as they ran hand-in-hand amongst the warm air and blowing sand, things had become purely exhilarating.

“Hey! Have you got a camel for us?” Zade called, coming to an abrupt halt.

Hailey giggled. “What are we doing?”

“You’re going to experience a new mode of transportation.”

The owner of the camels took the Egyptian pound from Zade and then handed him a camel.

He said something repeatedly, but Hailey couldn’t understand him.

“What’s he saying?” Hailey whispered, before Zade helped her onto the camel.

“We’ve got one hour.” Zade sat in front of Hailey. “You can put your arms around me.”

Hailey didn’t need to be told twice. She slid her long, thin arms around Zade’s waist and
allowed her hands to rest low. As the camel began to stride through the sand, Zade’s shirt blew in the wind. Hailey found that a few of her fingers were now inside Zade’s shirt. It felt natural as she touched his stomach. It was firm, a sure sign of his hard-working nature.

“Where are you taking me?” she murmured into his ear.

“Do you want me to tell you or show you?” Zade’s voice was low but masculine.

“How about both?” Hailey replied, feeling as if she would crumble under her desire for him.

“I want to show you paradise.”

“I might already be there.”

For fifteen minutes, Hailey traveled over harsh sand dunes on a camel. She was in a place she didn’t know and with a man she had just met. However, Hailey had never felt more secure.

Zade brought the camel to a stop seemingly in the middle of nowhere.

“Zade, where are…?”

“Shhh…” Zade helped Hailey off the camel. “Do you trust me?”

“Should I?”


“Then I do.”

Zade turned to the camel. “Stay.”

“Do camels speak English?” Hailey joked.

Zade didn’t reply. Instead, he took Hailey’s hand. He led her over a few feet of sand and then
stopped suddenly.

Hailey let out a small gasp as she saw the hole in the sand. She kneeled down in an attempt to get a better look. “It’s so dark. I can’t see a thing.”

Zade wandered into the hole. Soon, Hailey could see a flickering light. His hand reached out
for hers. She took it.

“Be careful where you step,” Zade advised Hailey.

Hailey took the advice but tripped anyway. He caught her before she could fall to the ground.

His torch swayed, creating creepy shadows.

“What is this place?” Hailey’s so-in-love feeling was beginning to give heed to caution.

“It’s the most beautiful place I know.”

“This?” To Hailey, it looked like the inside of any other pyramid she had seen.

“Follow me.”

“Zade, I really don’t want…” Hailey’s words failed her as a sparkling blue hue spilled from
behind a corner. “What’s that?”

“My paradise.”

Behind the sharp turn was a pool of blue water. A light from underneath illuminated its
beauty and caused star-like shapes to glisten against the sandy walls.

Hailey bent down and touched the cool water. “How is this possible?”

Zade sat down at the water’s edge, causing the light from the water to reflect upon his face.
Hailey just stared at him, mesmerized by his exotic beauty.

“I don’t know,” Zade finally replied. “My parents showed me this place when I was a child.”
He looked very emotional, causing Hailey to hold his hand.

“What happened to them? You can tell me.”

“My mother was killed five years ago in a car accident. It was a hit and run by drunken

Hailey’s face reddened. She completely understood why Zade’s opinion of tourists was

“I like to come here and think,” Zade continued. “Perhaps I’m looking for the sacred too.”
Zade intertwined his fingers between Hailey’s. He held her tight, as if fighting an inner

“How can I help you?” Hailey blurted out, not completely certain she knew what she meant.
Zade failed to offer a verbal reply. Instead, he moved his body closer to hers. Zade reached
for Hailey’s face and then kissed her cheek. Totally smitten, Hailey allowed Zade to kiss her lips.

At first it was sweet and gentle, but it soon became passionate.


“What?” Zade whispered, allowing his breath to trickle down Hailey’s neck.

“I said I need to breathe.”


“Okay, I think I’m recovered.” Hailey pressed her lips against Zade’s. She loved how soft
and warm they felt. Suddenly, the comforting sensation stopped. Zade had backed away. Hailey almost felt like crying. “Zade?”

“I have to tell you something.”

Hailey waited, not sure what to expect.

“When I saw you lined up for my tour of the pyramid, a part of me fell in love. Then, seeing
you sick and vulnerable, I wanted to take care of you. I can’t explain these feelings as anything other than…Hailey, I’m a working man and you’re a Westerner who will return home soon. I can’t feel this way. I’ve already experienced too much pain.”

“Slow down, Zade. Let’s see what these forthcoming weeks hold.”

Zade nodded and then stood up. “I need to return the camel.”

Hailey laughed. “Next time I’ll drive.”

That night, it took hours for Hailey to fall asleep. She kept replaying the kiss with Zade in her

Hailey, Hailey,” a faint whisper startled her. “Come with me, Hailey. I need you.”

She sat straight up in bed. Her heart raced with excitement and fear.

Hailey had forgotten to close the window. A breeze blew the curtains open, allowing the
moonlight to stream in.

Zade stepped into the eerie glow. He wore traditional Egyptian clothing which seemed to
swirl and dance around his body.

“Hailey, you have to come with me.”

“Zade, how did you get in here?” Hailey demanded as he walked towards her.

“Shhh…” Zade placed his finger upon Hailey’s lips. “You mustn’t talk, my princess.”

Zade stared into Hailey’s eyes. His gaze was hypnotic. Hailey felt overwhelmed by the urge
to let herself go. She closed her eyes and breathed deeply. Hailey was asleep before she had a chance to exhale.


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