Dark Magick by Stevie Trinity & Stacey Thompson-Geer

"The world has changed, we have changed. The world we once knew has fallen away and left us in a wasteland of Magick. Powerful witches and underworld gods control our lives. The past comes back in ways we are not prepared for. The Gatekeepers are our only hope. The question is if we can get to them first."(Description by Author on Amazon.com)

1000 + Books to Read Rating:

Lets Talk About It:

Where to do I start?

I gave this book 2 stars and I struggled with doing so. Part of me felt it unfair and another felt it was very fair. Why? Because I've read many self published books, reviewed many of them and have had some outstanding and some very good writers behind it. I do understand that not every book being sent to me has the luxury of having an editor on their side. Some books need it and some don't. In the end I've re wrote this review many times, back and forth and have finally decided to overlook some things and just focus on the story itself. That is fair.

I had a really hard time with the writing. Writing in First person (through the eyes of the character) is a very hard thing to pull off. Some authors are able to do it and some authors are not. This book, I felt, would be so much better if it had not been written in that style. The first half of the book felt very clunky. It did get much better by the end to where the story itself and the details took over to where I didn't notice the flaws I did in the first half of the book.

I liked the general idea of the story, good witches vs bad witches and throw in a fae or two on each side. The good vs evil plot line with the 'gatekeeper' being the sought out key to the power balance was mildly entertaining until the final pages where the big action takes place. I was a little thrown off by the end. I thought my ereader froze up because surely that was not the end! But it was.. very different ending that made me feel almost incomplete but did have me questioning, wondering what would happen next. Maybe that was exactly the result they were going for!

I have really mixed feelings about this book because I really wanted to like it. I was really excited by the blurb provided and the cover. And when it comes down to it, it was just ok. 

Overall, I hope that this book gets a good editor behind it. I will be looking into the next Gatekeepers Series book because I do what to know what ends up happening.

Where to Buy:

~ 1000 + Books to Read 
Disclosure: I received the above book from the Author to facilitate my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review, only an honest one. The opinions I have expressed in the above post are strictly my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC's regulation 16 CFR, Part 255; "Guides concerning the use of endorsements and testimonials in advertising."

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